Our Fall Quarterly Meeting went very well and we accomplished all our tasks. We spent the day at one of our favorite team getaways, Madrone House at Nevada City. The fall foliage is coming in, and the mountains look gorgeous!
Looks like we’re meeting all our operational and revenue goals, and are on track for an excellent rest of the year. The EOS system is working out great for us, and making it possible for us to grow at a healthy pace, and our clients are pleased with the quality of service.
Our awesome former assistant Eric, who (much as he loved working at SoeFin) wanted a career with the State of California, diligently and successfully pursued this ambition and he reports that things are looking good for him at his new job. We’re very proud of him – go Eric!
Our new assistant, Alexis Dunbar, is fitting in nicely and growing into her role. We’re pleased to have her aboard!